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Business Management
Program information

Application Deadlines
3 years (6 semesters)
Study mode
Tuition Fees (per semester)
€ 2,000
About the program

BiM graduates are prepared to meet the challenges of an unpredictable future. They recognize their own aspirations as well as global societal expectations; they are well prepared for a variety of management activities. They acquire advanced level competencies that enable them to analyze complex problems in various management systems, inspired by the results of modern research. They are able to develop unique solutions to management problems in a critical and creative way. They are prepared to work in a team, both as a leader and as a team member. They act with social commitment and awareness of global issues in different cultures, with respect for diversity. Students can choose one of two specializations: International Business Management is a specialization that prepares them to act as a manager in a multicultural environment; the Business Economics and Finance specialization aims at acquiring management skills in the finance and banking sector.


Career opportunities
Graduates are prepared to work in
۰ National and international companies of diverse profile
۰ Consulting companies
۰ Project teams
۰ Administration