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Program information

Application Deadlines
2 years (4 semesters)
Study mode
Tuition Fees (per semester)
€ 1,800
About the program

Economics is a prestigious major, and our Faculty is one of the best business schools in the world, which educates top-class specialists. If you want to work in business, cooperate with business, run your own business and fulfil your dreams in research institutes, in the public economy sector or in organizations and institutions operating globally, this is the perfect place for you!


Our innovative teaching methods will allow you to become a specialist in the field of economic and business analysis. You will also be well prepared to work in an international business environment.

The International Economy and Finance specialization allows you to acquire the latest knowledge in two disciplines: economics and finance. It is an excellent start for your career both in Poland and abroad. Here you will learn how economic mechanisms work in modern economies, you will learn how to use this knowledge in practice to make the right business and strategic decisions using the latest statistical and econometric software.


Our Faculty has an internationally recognised  accreditation – AACSB, confirming the high level of teaching. That is why we are among the top 5% of business universities in the world. Each FESM graduate receives an AACSB certificate along with their diploma! Moreover, the Executive Master of Business Administration program, implemented at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, has the prestigious accreditation of The Association of MBAs (AMBA), an organization that is one of the leading authorities in the field of business education.


Little? Here is what else you will get!

Studies in English are a great way to gain international contacts and to improve your business English in practice!

You will gain the opportunity to break business language barriers, gain experience in taking exams in a foreign language, while participation in classes in a foreign language will allow you to stay in touch with the language!

Thanks to the possibility of writing a master’s thesis in English (under the supervision of qualified economists publishing in the best academic journals in the world), you will easily find yourself on the job market in institutions and businesses operating globally.

For those studying economics in English, we offer the opportunity to take part in a student exchange program conducted jointly with leading partner universities in France and Italy to obtain three second-cycle diplomas at the same time! When studying this program, you have the opportunity to participate in Triple Diploma Program with University of Angers (France) and University of Macerata (Italy). By participating in this program, the first semester you spend in Poland, then you go to France and Italy and come back to Poland. During the exchange you are entitled to obtain an Erasmus+ scholarship.

We offer foreign scholarships (as part of the ERASMUS+ program) and the possibility of studying in other centres in Poland (as part of the MOST programme). Our Faculty is very active in the field of international cooperation. Currently, it has over 60 bilateral agreements signed, which gives a total of about 120 places at foreign universities for our students.

Many managers and heads of companies in the region (as well as in the whole country) are graduates of Economics at the Nicolaus Copernicus University. Maybe you will join them too?

Our Faculty conducts and constantly develops institutional and substantive cooperation with the socio-economic environment, cooperates with thriving enterprises from the country and the region. We have numerous, well-known Partner Companies where our graduates and students do their apprenticeships and internships.

We have implemented a well-organized Apprenticeship Program, which has been operating at our Faculty for many years. The Program has opened the door to a career for a wide range of students who today function perfectly in business circles.

We have excellent housing conditions, modern computer labs and teaching rooms, a well-equipped library, all in a modern and friendly educational environment and with professional scientific staff that can boast of publications in the best journals in the world.


What after graduation?

Graduates of Economics have the opportunity to continue their education at doctoral studies. Economics graduates find employment in Poland and abroad. The knowledge and skills gained during the study of Economics allow graduates to be successful as:


Economic analysts in financial institutions, banks, insurance companies and other financial services companies,

Employees in state and local government offices,

Economists in local, regional and global enterprises.