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Global Change Biology

Program information

Master of Science
Application Deadlines
2 years (4 semesters)
Study mode
Tuition Fees (per semester)
€ 1,280
About the program

Global Change Biology: one field of study – two diplomas!*

We are the first University in Poland to offer a double-diploma program in biological sciences. The Master Programme managed in collaboration with Parthenope University of Naples (Italy) is organized under the auspices of the UNESCO Chair in “Environment, Resources and Sustainable Development”, of which Nicolaus Copernicus University is an official partner. 


The master study programme Global Change Biology is based on high-level research and the long-time experience of our Faculty staff. We offer lectures and courses in a wide range of biological sciences. 

Research conducted by our Faculty members includes:

macroecology and biogeographic modelling,

development of widely-used ecological methods and software for community analysis and data handling,

biotic invasions of European plant and freshwater communities and respective ecological and evolutionary implications of interactions with native organisms,

bio conservation and ecosystem assessment testified by numerous evaluations for administration purposes and landscape planning,

evolutionary ecology and phylogeny of selected plants and animals including the biogeographic reconstruction of European postglacial colonization history,

the physiology of stress in vertebrate and invertebrate animals using behavioral and neurobiological methods.

The study programme highlights all these fields.


Our University is one of the leading research universities in Poland. The program of Global Change Biology is fully in line with the main strategic goal of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, the consolidating of its high position in research and teaching. Two of the main operational goals regard the internationalization of NCU study programs and science and the presence in European university associations. The Global Change Biology program is structured to provide an immediate plug-in and compatibility. Its aim is not only to transfer current knowledge but also practical and developmental skills. 


Get a double master degree in biological sciences! 

If you are a highly motivated and ambitious student this proposition is for you. Our offer is directed to Polish and incoming students. The master study programme is in English and runs in collaboration with the Parthenope University of Naples in Italy.

There are two study paths that students can choose and that finish with diploma(s) from:

The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland).

The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland) and the Parthenope University of Naples in Italy. 

To obtain a double degree from Nicolaus Copernicus University and Parthenope University of Naples in Italy, you have to spend at least one semester in the partner University. Studies are supported by the Erasmus+ programme which is open for regular students from all countries.