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Logistics and Mobility

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Program information

Application Deadlines
2 years (4 semesters)
Study mode
Tuition Fees (per semester)
€ 980
About the program

The programme content of courses offered within Logistics and Mobility provides knowledge and develops skills in creating concepts, assessing the competitive potential of a company, applying methods and tools to improve, rationalize, restructure and optimize business processes in a company, with particular emphasis on logistics processes. The use of tools supporting decision-making processes in a company is one of the objectives of the offered subjects.  The study programme, focusing on the economic aspects of logistic support and mobility in its broadest sense, combines issues related to the modelling of logistics processes, supply chain management, sustainable development of urban mobility, managerial decision-making in logistics, the importance of forwarding and transport in logistics and the use of IT tools in logistics and mobility. The study programme is also complemented by courses that expand the knowledge of mobility in its broadest sense, the development of which is determined by trends in the market for transport, forwarding, and logistics services.
The advantages of the programme in terms of demonstrating the functions of logistics and the importance of mobility development in the functioning of the TLS market cannot be overestimated.

Employment perspectives - examples of job positions:
logistics manager,
supply chain manager
specialist for mobility planning
specialist for sustainable urban mobility management
specialist for freight forwarder