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Computer Science
Program information

Application Deadlines
3 years (6 semesters)
Study mode
Tuition Fees (per semester)
€ 2,250
About the program


We are focused on practical skills

Computer Science study at UITM is practical and prepares students for the demands of the profession. The teaching programmes and technologies have been designed and created by IT giants such as Microsoft, Oracle, Google and others. Additionally, classes are conducted by experts and engineers working successfully in the industry. Therefore, your experience is authentic and shares a likeness to what you will discover in the real world.


More practice

Subjects are taught by experienced engineers and programmers. In addition, the program is supported by Microsoft Imagine Academy, C ++ Institute and Python Institute. UITM also helps future programmers to find internships and develop acquired skills in a professional IT environment.


Benefits of the programme

The wide range of job opportunities that comes with completing your studies. During the studies you will receive training for certification exams in programming, acquire experience with the latest programming technologies and software, as well as the possibility of taking additional courses that UITM has to offer. Moreover, there is a possibility of continuing education in the second cycle studies; in the field of Data Science or Cybersecurity.


Generation of the Future

The skills and creativity of Computer Science students at UITM have been commended by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the “Generation of the Future” competition. It awarded nearly a quarter of a million PLN to the two winning projects by IT students from UITM. Study Programming at UITM and spark a future full of excitement and make your dream projects a reality!

Program video