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European Studies: EU Politics

International Relations
Icon description
Program information

Application Deadlines
2 years (4 semesters)
Study mode
Tuition Fees (per semester)
€ 1,825
About the program

The programme is offered by the Institute of European Studies (Faculty of Social Sciences) at the University of Wroclaw. The curriculum focuses on EU institutions, law, economics and policies, but also on specific knowledge related to European geopolitics, management and the information society. In seminars, workshops and discussion sessions, students will analyse problems related to the EU's policies, EU's external relations, the area of freedom, security and justice, EU governance and more.

The MA programme is a postgraduate on that requires candidates to hold a BA or MA degree in any subject. The programme is taught entirely in English by experts in their field. The course lasts two years and is divided into four semesters, the first from the end of September to mid-February and the second from the beginning of March to the end of June. To obtain the Master's degree, graduates must complete 120 ECTS points in up to four semesters and write a Master's thesis. The programme enables students to spend a semester or even a year abroad under the Erasmus+ umbrella.

Learn how the European Union works! Choose your path through a new interdisciplinary programme! Get professional training for a career in diplomacy, international institutions, or business! Study in English at a top international university!

If you have a BA in Political Science, European Studies, International Relations, Law, Economics, Management, Humanities, Languages, or other related subjects, you are eligible for this MA.

A graduate of the European Studies programme is a specialist who is prepared to work as a professional staff member in institutions of local and national government, as well as in national and international cultural and social agencies, such as EU institutions and other international organisations. The European Studies programme prepares graduates for work in public and private companies in Poland and in all European countries. It would also be a useful experience for students planning their career development in institutions of non-EU countries with extensive cooperation with the European Union.